Mitigasi Bencana di Sekolah Dasar Rappokalling 671 Makassar
Mitigation, Disaster, School, Elementary, StudentsAbstract
A natural disaster is a natural event that occurs through natural or non-natural processes that causes casualties. So disaster mitigation really needs to be done through disaster mitigation education which is disaster risk reduction education. In response to this, the PKM team will carry out disaster mitigation guidance and assistance for children at Rappokalling 671 Elementary School in Makassar. With the aim of providing information and knowledge to students in increasing their knowledge and understanding of earthquake natural disaster mitigation both before, during and after a disaster and it is hoped that it can reduce the impact of the disaster. The method used in this service activity is socialization and indications of an increase in student understanding through a discussion and evaluation process for socialization participants in the form of questions to review students' understanding of the material provided. Results Some students were able to provide satisfactory answers based on the age standards of the participants.
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